Where to book a hotel

Many sites offer hotel booking in Paris. Our recommendation is Booking.com. They have almost every hotel in Paris, special offers, convenient booking in your native language, reliable reviews by other travelers.

Another good site to consider is Expedia.com.


The hotel VAT tax is 10% in Paris. When you get a hotel rate, please pay attention if VAT is included to avoid surprises when you receive a final bill. There is additional tourist tax per person per night - please take it into account when making a reservation. It will most likely be listed as "not included" when you make a reservation, but the amount will be known before you book a room.

Security Deposit

Almost always, regardless of whether you booked the hotel online or through a travel agency, you will be asked for a credit card at the time of check-in for the security deposit. The hotel holds some amount from your card; this can equal the amount of one night stay (sometimes less, sometimes slightly more) for possible additional expenses. The amount will be released as soon as you check out. This is a standard procedure, "just in case" for every traveler, regardless of where they come from. Please keep this in mind when planning the expenses for the trip. The amount usually becomes available as soon as the next day, but check with your local bank as it might be different in your country, and sometimes the money is not available for a week or even up to a month.
